The Nursery is provided during all services. Nursery volunteers are available 15 minutes prior to service times, during which time you may drop off your children.


The age group of our nursery is 0-3 years. We also offer 2 and 3 year old Sunday school classes. The 3 year-olds attend AWANA Cubbies on Wednesday evenings.


All nursery volunteers have undergone police background checks and are aware of emergency procedures. There is a CPR certified individual on call for all services. We utilize a child check-in system to ensure that on a designated parent may pick up your child from the nursery. Pagers are numerically assigned to parents, and you may be rest assured that if your child needs you, you will be informed immediately.


Baby dedication days are usually held in our church services about twice a year and are announced ahead of time. In dedicating a child, the parents are making a public profession that with God’s help, they will purpose to train up their child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. To dedicate your child, you will need to fill out an information card plan for the next scheduled dedication date.



9:30 am and 11:00 am in person

9:30 am Online


7:00 pm Bible Studies for All Ages



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